Friday, December 4, 2009

My girl, Miss Tipsy

(and this is a picture of us from a year ago. we both look so different!)
A re-post from my wonderful friend Hannah Thunhorst:

An Ode to Miss Tipsy [What a text post??]

On the eve of your 21st, before all the debauchery commences, I’d like to take a few moments to express 21 sentiments on what makes Kimberly Winkleman one of the flyest mamas in this some style, little substance town of Denton, TX. We all know she is a smart, sexy, stylish, hilarious, and a put together young lady, but here are a few details that might enrich your admiration for Miss Tipsy:

1. You reminded me of an elf when I first met you in the Bruce Hall cafeteria freshman year. I’m not sure why, but I liked it

2. You always get your school shit done. You’re a very smart lady, Miss Wink, and we all know my low tolerance for idiots, so thank you.

3. You follow fashion blogs, but don’t look like a “blog bitch” [a term we coined]

4. Uhhh your nickname? ‘Nuff said

5. You always smoke Turkish Silvers. I like that consistency and loyalty. And thanks to your mother for introducing the term “puff” into our vocabulary

6. You have a YSL tattoo [young single lady]

7. You share my love for all things 60s cheese

8. You refuse to let men keep ya down

9. You have expanded my Top 40 repertoire

10. You make an amazing Greek salad

11. Your unique storytelling style

12. Your unabashed dreams of children [you sure get mama practice with us]

13. You gave me a really cool ring last night

14. You are ALWAYS there for a friend when they need it

15. You drive my ass around town alot

16. That time you skinny dipped in City Parc

17. Gigi, that rascal

18. Mimosa love

19. The way I can look at you across the room, and you already know what’s up

20. You always keep me entertained at work


I could go on for a while about how much I love you, but I’ll spare the www and save it for later tonight. I can’t wait until we all get outta here and start the next phase of fabulosity in good ol’ NYC!


Love you baby doll, and happy 21st!

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